Fish Replenishment Areas (FRAs)

North Sector FRAsThere are ten areas of West Hawai’i that have been designated as Fish Replenishment Areas (FRAs). The purpose of these areas was to provide refuges for fish targeted for the aquarium industry. Some of the FRAs run contiguously with other marine managed areas such as the Puako FMA which restricts netting, thereby making the injunction against aquarium collecting (done with nets) effective in both areas.  However, some of these other marine managed areas have additional rules for their portions and fishers should be  aware of what those rules are.  These rules pertain to everyone:

  • Central Sector FRAs copyNo collecting of live marine South Sector FRAs copyorganisms for use in aquaria.  This prohibition is in effect for home/amateur collectors as well as professional/commercial collectors.
  • No recreational fish feeding.
  • No taking of species that are prohibited for all fishers.

If you are a commercial fish collector, there are additional rules and regulations for how to operate while fishing in the legal areas.   Please see Regulations for Aquarium Collectors.



PLEASE NOTE:  There are additional bag, size and species limits that pertain to ALL fishers and are also in effect within the FRAs, even if you are not an aquarium collector.  Please go to Regulations for All Fishers .

Fish Replenishment Area Landward dGPS Coordinates Seaward dGPS Coordinates (600 ft.)
Northern Point Southern Point Northern Point D(nm) Southern Point D(nm) @
North Kohala 20° 04.826’N 20° 02.471’N 20° 04.378’N 1.40 20° 01.654’N 1.94 225°
155° 51.934’W 155° 49.988’W 155° 53.344’W 155° 51.875’W 225°
Puakō – ‘Anaeho‘omalu 19° 57.529’N 19° 54.641’N 19° 59.206’N 2.40 19° 57.034’N 3.54 300°
155° 51.553’W 155° 53.893’W 155° 53.383’W 155° 56.658’W 300°
Ka‘ūpūlehu 19° 51.011’N 19° 49.209’N 19° 53.817’N 3.91 19° 51.724’N 4.39 300°
155° 58.111’W 156° 00.132’W 156° 00.994’W 156° 03.947’W 300°
Kaloko – Honokōhau 19° 41.442’N 19° 40.059’N 19° 41.368’N 0.35 19° 39.844’N 0.46 240°
156° 02.350’W 156° 01.741’W 156° 03.031’W 156° 02.169’W 240°
Kailua – Keauhou 19° 37.903’N 19° 33.716’N 19° 37.089’N 2.02 19° 32.801’N 2.21 245°
155° 59.472’W 155° 57.829’W 156° 01.449’W 156° 00.004’W 245°
Red Hill 19° 30.823’N 19° 29.252’N 19° 30.166’N 1.41 19° 28.991’N 0.51 235°
155° 57.630’W 155° 57.068’W 155° 58.953’W 155° 57.536’W 235°
Nāpo‘opo‘o- Hōnaunau 19° 28.230’N 1 19° 24.559’N 19° 28.350’N2 1.13 19° 24.725’N 0.79 270°
155° 55.370’W 155° 54.343’W 155° 56.898’W 155° 55.162’W 270°
Ho‘okena 19° 23.796’N 19° 19.458’N 19° 23.690’N 0.40 19° 19.403’N 0.25 240°
155° 54.685’W 155° 53.426’W 155° 55.095’W 155° 53.688’W 240°
Ka‘ohe 19° 18.954’N 19° 18.714’N 19° 18.947’N 0.44 19° 18.706’N 0.48 270°
155° 53.362’W 155° 53.296’W 155° 53.824’W 155° 53.806’W 270°
Miloli‘i 19° 12.179’N 19° 08.098’N 19° 12.179’N 0.15 19° 08.160’N 0.36 270°
155° 54.369’W 155° 55.132’W 155° 54.599’W 155° 55.510’W 270°

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